Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Mobile phone battery quick share charger

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Offer a cable for mobile phone users that would allow the
battery in one phone to be used to charge another. Users
who run short of battery could receive a quick 'power top up'
from a friend.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:21 AM 0 comments

1. Successful people know what they want. (他们知道他们要什么)
2. Successful people don’t just think, they act. (他们不只是想,他们做)
3. Successful people have insatiable hunger for knowledge. (他们渴望学习更多知识)
4. Successful people are curious and are not afraid to experiment. (他们充满好奇心并不害怕试验)
5. Successful people build their networks. (他们有良好的人际网络)
6. Successful people are passionate about what they do. (他们热衷自己做的事情)
7. Successful people are persistent and patient. (他们很坚持和有耐心)


Business Idea (4)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Car battery

Create a car battery which consists of two parts, one for lights
and other electrical, the other for starting up. Should the
lights be left on, only one part of the battery would be flat.
Once the car starts up, the healthy part of the battery would
recharge both parts of the battery.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:11 AM 0 comments
A。55% Necessity -- 作为支付所有生活开销和贷款,包括房租
B。 5% Long Term Savings -- 为了未来多过10年而作的储蓄,例如自己的退休金或孩子的教育费
C。 5% mid-long term Savings -- 为了5年以内所作的储蓄,例如房子头期,新车,结婚等
D。10% Financial Freedom Account -- 不准使用的金钱。只可以拿来投资或创业(不应该买基金,即使买,也要有能力管理和分析)
E。10% Education -- 财务教育的费用。必须用来上课,买杂志或付费给财务/税务的咨询
F。5% Charity-- 捐给慈善用途 (看个人而异)。
G 10% Play Jug -- 奢侈享受的费用,必须每月用完,让自己体会在从来都不会花钱的地方。享受有钱人的感觉。






例如有人的D项是满分,可是B 和 C 项是零分。这样会财务自由吗?





Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:43 AM 0 comments



















Business Idea (3)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Brake light on the front of vehicles

Place a brake light on the front of vehicles so
that incoming traffic or pedestrians can tell
when a car is slowing down.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

选股基本法则 (完)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:16 AM 0 comments
许多公司上市后,仍然发行新股,附加股,私下 配售等,来筹资。应该避免此类公司,千万别为了“好消息”,而期望股价会狂飚,进而冒险投机。一间好的企业,必然具备强大的资产,拥有强劲的现金流。 无须靠扩张股本,就可收购更多资产的公司,才是一流的企业。


祝大家成功,最终目的,战胜inflation,还有战胜定期存款或unit trust的回酬率!

Monday, December 15, 2008

选股基本法则 (五)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 7:05 AM 0 comments

TRADE RECEIVABLES 也需多加注意。MEGAN的假账,就是把存货卖给子公司(并没有实质销售量),可是,子公司并没有现金付款。 因此,MEGAN的 TRADE RECEIVABLES 不断的增加。许多涉及假账的公司,都是在TRADE RECEIVABLES 做手脚,以夸大盈利。所以,概念上,TRADE RECEIVABLES 都是没入账的盈利。如果,TRADE RECEIVABLES 上升太多,我们必须多加注意,询问公司负责人,或在股东大会里提出问题。

所以,购买股票时,必须注意账目中的低TRADE RECEIVABLES, 高现金流,就可以避开假账的公司。现金才是实质的资产,TRADE RECEIVABLES 还未转为现金,只是虚假的资产,存有不确定的风险。所以,购买公司的股票时,公司有大量现金,可以让其价值增加不少。

Business Idea (2)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:56 AM 0 comments
Fruit waxy sheen removing services

Provide free wipes for fresh fruit in
supermarkets for customers to remove the waxy
sheen and pesticide residues.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Business Idea (1)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:18 AM 0 comments
Group bookings discount services

Provide a service where individuals can apply for holidays,
hotels and activities where there is a group discount on bookings.
Once the requisite number of people have applied, the booking
would be made. Everyone would then pay the discount price
whilst a small commission would be paid to the company
that runs the service.

选股基本法则 (四)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 5:08 AM 0 comments

目的是分析存货是否具有效期限或会贬值。举个例子,A 公司生产电脑零件。随着科技 的进步,旧款的零件会被淘汰或贬值。如果 A 公司的存货上升速度,快于Revenue 的增长率,来年,它必须在存货贬值前,全部出售,才可避免亏损。 此外,存货上升,也将代表供应量增加。供过于求,A 公司只好削价或以促销方式,来减少存货。存货增长过高的公司,在来年 盈利缩减的机会极高。问题是,如何以一个标准来判定存货量的多寡?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

选股基本法则 (三)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:53 AM 0 comments

Peter Lynch 曾说过,投资于没有债务的公司,此公司不可能会破产。是的,没有债务的公司,不可能会破产。所以,我认为,根据此法则投资,即使熊市来临,或宏观经济的转 变,我们还能有持票能力,也无须担心投资的公司一夜之间崩毁。债务与现金就是关键。

Choose a company with positive asset, Negative liabilities.

Friday, November 28, 2008

选股基本法则 (二)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 7:49 AM 0 comments
PE (Price Earning) Ratio

Look at PE less than 10 stocks. (Those companies which are undervalued surely with low PE). Check its EPS for 5 yrs. make sure it is increasing.
Lower PE, but EPS is increasing yr by yr, means the stock is totally undervalued.

选择购入本益比,低于 10,EPS的成长率大于10的公司。对,EPS的成长率和本益比一样重要。有些公司的本益比远低于10,但其盈利不会成长,甚至下降,绝不可投资此类公 司。公司股价的要上涨,其盈利必须增长。所以,投资于不会增长的公司,股价上涨的机率很低,甚至会下降。

SHELL的例子。let say,其股价约为RM11.50。 今年的EPS约为RM2.00 。 11.50/2=5.75。但,它的EPS长期增长率为24。本益比低于EPS 的增长4.5倍。如果以目前的价格购买,即使未来SHELL的盈利增长下滑4.5倍,你也只是以合理价格买入它而已。以目前石油价格的趋势和它卓越的管理 层,盈利下滑的机率,有多高呢?

我们再假设市场是理性的。通常,本益比与盈利成长率相符,就是合理的股价。那么,以现在的股 值,SHELL 的合理股价将为目前的4.5 倍。不过,鉴于SHELL的历史本益比都在10倍左右,我们姑且保守的计算,它仍然有上涨2倍的可能(合理的PE ,5.75*2=11.5)。此外,也可拿行业里的龙头老大的本益比作个比较。通常,老大的本益比都比较高,因为市占率最高。例如,目 前,PETRONAS的本益比为12倍。所以,SHELL为11.5 倍的本益比属于合理估值。


PE = Stock Price / Earnings per share

Thursday, November 20, 2008

选股基本法则 (一)

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:31 AM 0 comments
ROE (Return of Equity)

怎样推算ROE,可以在网上下载它的方程式, 也可在会计的教科书里找到。我只分享如何根据这个数字来选股。巴菲特的原则是,ROE要大于15%或0.15。也有一些大师会选择10%以上的公司。我个 人认为,10% 是最低要求。如果我们找到一间公司,我们爱它的产品,可是ROE低于10%,这间公司,我就不会研究。只要在网路里做功课,就能了解ROE的功能。

收集ROE时,必须比较10年(如有),5年,及3年。看ROE是否在成长,及今年来的比例,是否超过10%。长期维持高ROE的公司,代表它的管理层很优 秀,也代表他们的回报很有效率。比较ROE,也可让投资者避开账目有问题的公司。如果长期ROE是5%,突然今年是25%,即使盈利提升很多,也必须警惕 这类公司,谨慎翻查它的账目。我建议大家尽量下载账目有问题的上市公司,研究他们的假账,和比较他们过去与目前的ROE,就可以看明白有什么分别了。

优秀如大众银行的大象型公司,近年的ROE维持在17% 至20%; 快速成长的小型公司,如JObstreet, 连续3年的ROE维持在30%以上。ROE的比例与盈利的回报,有着密切的关系。如果ROE维持在高数字,如20%以上,公司的盈利大多数在增长。如果 ROE持续下降,盈利也将下滑。


你知道投资大师都是怎么说的吗?他们说;“把全部的鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,然后,好好的看着它!” 很多人都在争执前面的句子,要把鸡蛋放进同一个篮子,还是分散。其实,不管你决定如何,真正关键的是后面那句:然后,好好的看着它!太多人不愿意做这个动 作了。所以,他们会道听途说,会相信老前辈的推荐,听分析师的意见,甚至购买共同基金。不管你如何开始投资,如果你没有准备“好好的看着那个篮子!" 从你投资的那一刻起,风险就注定跟着你。



ROE = (Earnings per Share / NTA ”in YY” ) x 100%
NTA = (Total Equities & Liabilities – Total Liabilities) / Total Share Units = RM0.YY

Three Lessons From Warren Buffett That We Can Apply

Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 6:09 AM 0 comments
1) Market fluctuations present opportunities

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful,” says Buffett.

Buffett’s advice is simple enough: buy when pessimism reigns and don’t buy (or sell to take profits) when investors are exuberant.

Sure, it is important to find if a market is plummeting because of some drastic deterioration in its economic fundamentals; if that is the case, a lower price earnings (PE) ratio, a widely-used indicator of valuation, does not spell good news.

But in a market downturn, investments may be oversold because of poor sentiment or other factors which are unrelated to their actual fundamentals. There is indiscriminate selling, as investors seek safety in low-risk instruments.

Take, for example, the Asian economies. Their foreign exchange reserves have grown to over US$3 trillion, enough for most of the governments to fall back on if they need to boost their economies.

Corporate transparency has improved since the bleak days of the Asian Financial Crisis. Most fund managers continue to find companies which show strong balance sheets and healthy cash flows. On a more individual level, Asians, unlike the Americans, save a lot more too.

Despite all these positives, Asian markets have fallen even more than US markets – and we know the economic situation in the US is bleak.

This shows that the markets go through times of irrationality. It happens during a bull run when markets skyrocket, and it also happens during a bear run when they plummet.

So, clearly we find good opportunities among Asian equities now. Our research team has been saying it for a while and we continue to advocate investing regularly to benefit from dollar cost averaging. Check out a recent article by our analyst Wong Weiyi on its benefits.

2) Long-term and short-term goals

Buffett advocates long-term investing. He admits he has no clue on whether the market will rise or fall in the next one month or next one year.

So in the short term, markets may continue to fall, but that has not stopped Buffett to invest in US equities. He may not be buying them at their bottom, but then again, who can? Timing the markets is out of Buffett’s league, so what makes us think we can do it confidently?

If you believe in the prospects of a company or economy to do well in the next few years, you will not be as worried over its outlook for the next few quarters.

It is also crucial to distinguish between how we use our short-term and long-term monies.

The short-term pot will take care of our daily expenses, potential emergencies and the big ticket items we intend to splash on within the next two to three years. These could include the exotic holiday to Machu Picchu or the downpayment for the home you have been eyeing. To meet our short-term financial needs, leaving the money in safe, low-risk vehicles such as a savings account or a fixed deposit makes sense.

The next pot of money is really meant for our long-term goals. We can afford to give more time for our long-term investments to perform as we do not intend to touch that money for the next three years or more.

So, the point is, each one of us will have a different definition of short term and long term. Make sure we know our goals and divide the money into the different pots accordingly.

For our long-term pot, don’t panic and sell out when our investments fall. Don’t stay on the sidelines either, waiting for the markets to bottom. By the time the market really bottoms and starts rising, you may still be holding cash because you assume the bottom is not over yet.

3) Beware of inflation

Markets are plummeting and we are worried about our portfolios, our year-end bonuses or salary increments; for some of us, our jobs could very well be on the chopping board. But there is one big risk that has taken a backseat lately: inflation.

Buffett has also mentioned inflation as a key risk. "The arithmetic makes it plain that inflation is a far more devastating tax than anything that has been enacted by our (United States) legislature," he wrote in a Fortune article titled "How Inflation Swindles the Investor".

Inflation may be seen as a lesser concern, with commodity prices dropping sharply in the last few weeks. But it remains at a high level: Singapore’s Consumer Price Index rose by 6.7% year-on-year in September. While this is lower than the CPI increase of 7.5% for a period of three months from April to June, the CPI numbers show that the interest rate from our savings account and fixed deposits is way too measly to be able to generate a positive real return.

We need our investments in the long-term pot to deliver a return higher that the inflation rate. Inflation has been hovering at relatively higher levels in the last few months. This makes our long-term investment decisions even more crucial – and cash is clearly not king when it comes to our long-term pot of money.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 8:14 AM 0 comments

看来这个问题金融领域的朋友最关心的。不过,随着银行大裁员,银行严重亏损,由其是牵涉以次贷,重重的打击了金融领域。为此,银行的cash flow也紧了许多,贷款条例也严格了,那些liabilities高的公司(就是贷款)也因此受影响。cash flow出问题分分钟让公司关闭。

所以,我们原本是公司的asset,因为要cut cost,所以无端端成了liability, 因为支付薪水,有一部分钱就是贷款来run。所以,最好就是表现卓越,让公司觉得你是它们的asset,没你不行,你的饭碗,肯定换上铁制的。:)


1. CIMB - 200 人
2. NOL shipping - 1000
3. DBS - 900
4. Citigroup - 50000
5. HSBC - 1600
6. Motorola - 700




Posted by 耀 . Ye@u at 7:30 AM 0 comments
今日 (19/11/2008) KLSE 指数877。65。



Unit Trust:
1. PBEDF (malaysia)
2. Legg Mason Asean Special (singapore)
3. Fidelity China Focus (singapore)

1. LionDiv 30lots (malaysia)
2. Stareit 10lots (Malaysia)
3. Cosco Corp 2lots (singapore)


我想,是时候进行深入的研究。好好读一读financial report.然后如是烂股,就得忍痛卖了。

最近看到一只股 --- dialog.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Offer a cable for mobile phone users that would allow the
battery in one phone to be used to charge another. Users
who run short of battery could receive a quick 'power top up'
from a friend.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


1. Successful people know what they want. (他们知道他们要什么)
2. Successful people don’t just think, they act. (他们不只是想,他们做)
3. Successful people have insatiable hunger for knowledge. (他们渴望学习更多知识)
4. Successful people are curious and are not afraid to experiment. (他们充满好奇心并不害怕试验)
5. Successful people build their networks. (他们有良好的人际网络)
6. Successful people are passionate about what they do. (他们热衷自己做的事情)
7. Successful people are persistent and patient. (他们很坚持和有耐心)


Car battery

Create a car battery which consists of two parts, one for lights
and other electrical, the other for starting up. Should the
lights be left on, only one part of the battery would be flat.
Once the car starts up, the healthy part of the battery would
recharge both parts of the battery.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A。55% Necessity -- 作为支付所有生活开销和贷款,包括房租
B。 5% Long Term Savings -- 为了未来多过10年而作的储蓄,例如自己的退休金或孩子的教育费
C。 5% mid-long term Savings -- 为了5年以内所作的储蓄,例如房子头期,新车,结婚等
D。10% Financial Freedom Account -- 不准使用的金钱。只可以拿来投资或创业(不应该买基金,即使买,也要有能力管理和分析)
E。10% Education -- 财务教育的费用。必须用来上课,买杂志或付费给财务/税务的咨询
F。5% Charity-- 捐给慈善用途 (看个人而异)。
G 10% Play Jug -- 奢侈享受的费用,必须每月用完,让自己体会在从来都不会花钱的地方。享受有钱人的感觉。






例如有人的D项是满分,可是B 和 C 项是零分。这样会财务自由吗?























Brake light on the front of vehicles

Place a brake light on the front of vehicles so
that incoming traffic or pedestrians can tell
when a car is slowing down.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

许多公司上市后,仍然发行新股,附加股,私下 配售等,来筹资。应该避免此类公司,千万别为了“好消息”,而期望股价会狂飚,进而冒险投机。一间好的企业,必然具备强大的资产,拥有强劲的现金流。 无须靠扩张股本,就可收购更多资产的公司,才是一流的企业。


祝大家成功,最终目的,战胜inflation,还有战胜定期存款或unit trust的回酬率!

Monday, December 15, 2008


TRADE RECEIVABLES 也需多加注意。MEGAN的假账,就是把存货卖给子公司(并没有实质销售量),可是,子公司并没有现金付款。 因此,MEGAN的 TRADE RECEIVABLES 不断的增加。许多涉及假账的公司,都是在TRADE RECEIVABLES 做手脚,以夸大盈利。所以,概念上,TRADE RECEIVABLES 都是没入账的盈利。如果,TRADE RECEIVABLES 上升太多,我们必须多加注意,询问公司负责人,或在股东大会里提出问题。

所以,购买股票时,必须注意账目中的低TRADE RECEIVABLES, 高现金流,就可以避开假账的公司。现金才是实质的资产,TRADE RECEIVABLES 还未转为现金,只是虚假的资产,存有不确定的风险。所以,购买公司的股票时,公司有大量现金,可以让其价值增加不少。

Fruit waxy sheen removing services

Provide free wipes for fresh fruit in
supermarkets for customers to remove the waxy
sheen and pesticide residues.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Group bookings discount services

Provide a service where individuals can apply for holidays,
hotels and activities where there is a group discount on bookings.
Once the requisite number of people have applied, the booking
would be made. Everyone would then pay the discount price
whilst a small commission would be paid to the company
that runs the service.


目的是分析存货是否具有效期限或会贬值。举个例子,A 公司生产电脑零件。随着科技 的进步,旧款的零件会被淘汰或贬值。如果 A 公司的存货上升速度,快于Revenue 的增长率,来年,它必须在存货贬值前,全部出售,才可避免亏损。 此外,存货上升,也将代表供应量增加。供过于求,A 公司只好削价或以促销方式,来减少存货。存货增长过高的公司,在来年 盈利缩减的机会极高。问题是,如何以一个标准来判定存货量的多寡?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Peter Lynch 曾说过,投资于没有债务的公司,此公司不可能会破产。是的,没有债务的公司,不可能会破产。所以,我认为,根据此法则投资,即使熊市来临,或宏观经济的转 变,我们还能有持票能力,也无须担心投资的公司一夜之间崩毁。债务与现金就是关键。

Choose a company with positive asset, Negative liabilities.

Friday, November 28, 2008

PE (Price Earning) Ratio

Look at PE less than 10 stocks. (Those companies which are undervalued surely with low PE). Check its EPS for 5 yrs. make sure it is increasing.
Lower PE, but EPS is increasing yr by yr, means the stock is totally undervalued.

选择购入本益比,低于 10,EPS的成长率大于10的公司。对,EPS的成长率和本益比一样重要。有些公司的本益比远低于10,但其盈利不会成长,甚至下降,绝不可投资此类公 司。公司股价的要上涨,其盈利必须增长。所以,投资于不会增长的公司,股价上涨的机率很低,甚至会下降。

SHELL的例子。let say,其股价约为RM11.50。 今年的EPS约为RM2.00 。 11.50/2=5.75。但,它的EPS长期增长率为24。本益比低于EPS 的增长4.5倍。如果以目前的价格购买,即使未来SHELL的盈利增长下滑4.5倍,你也只是以合理价格买入它而已。以目前石油价格的趋势和它卓越的管理 层,盈利下滑的机率,有多高呢?

我们再假设市场是理性的。通常,本益比与盈利成长率相符,就是合理的股价。那么,以现在的股 值,SHELL 的合理股价将为目前的4.5 倍。不过,鉴于SHELL的历史本益比都在10倍左右,我们姑且保守的计算,它仍然有上涨2倍的可能(合理的PE ,5.75*2=11.5)。此外,也可拿行业里的龙头老大的本益比作个比较。通常,老大的本益比都比较高,因为市占率最高。例如,目 前,PETRONAS的本益比为12倍。所以,SHELL为11.5 倍的本益比属于合理估值。


PE = Stock Price / Earnings per share

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ROE (Return of Equity)

怎样推算ROE,可以在网上下载它的方程式, 也可在会计的教科书里找到。我只分享如何根据这个数字来选股。巴菲特的原则是,ROE要大于15%或0.15。也有一些大师会选择10%以上的公司。我个 人认为,10% 是最低要求。如果我们找到一间公司,我们爱它的产品,可是ROE低于10%,这间公司,我就不会研究。只要在网路里做功课,就能了解ROE的功能。

收集ROE时,必须比较10年(如有),5年,及3年。看ROE是否在成长,及今年来的比例,是否超过10%。长期维持高ROE的公司,代表它的管理层很优 秀,也代表他们的回报很有效率。比较ROE,也可让投资者避开账目有问题的公司。如果长期ROE是5%,突然今年是25%,即使盈利提升很多,也必须警惕 这类公司,谨慎翻查它的账目。我建议大家尽量下载账目有问题的上市公司,研究他们的假账,和比较他们过去与目前的ROE,就可以看明白有什么分别了。

优秀如大众银行的大象型公司,近年的ROE维持在17% 至20%; 快速成长的小型公司,如JObstreet, 连续3年的ROE维持在30%以上。ROE的比例与盈利的回报,有着密切的关系。如果ROE维持在高数字,如20%以上,公司的盈利大多数在增长。如果 ROE持续下降,盈利也将下滑。


你知道投资大师都是怎么说的吗?他们说;“把全部的鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,然后,好好的看着它!” 很多人都在争执前面的句子,要把鸡蛋放进同一个篮子,还是分散。其实,不管你决定如何,真正关键的是后面那句:然后,好好的看着它!太多人不愿意做这个动 作了。所以,他们会道听途说,会相信老前辈的推荐,听分析师的意见,甚至购买共同基金。不管你如何开始投资,如果你没有准备“好好的看着那个篮子!" 从你投资的那一刻起,风险就注定跟着你。



ROE = (Earnings per Share / NTA ”in YY” ) x 100%
NTA = (Total Equities & Liabilities – Total Liabilities) / Total Share Units = RM0.YY

1) Market fluctuations present opportunities

“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful,” says Buffett.

Buffett’s advice is simple enough: buy when pessimism reigns and don’t buy (or sell to take profits) when investors are exuberant.

Sure, it is important to find if a market is plummeting because of some drastic deterioration in its economic fundamentals; if that is the case, a lower price earnings (PE) ratio, a widely-used indicator of valuation, does not spell good news.

But in a market downturn, investments may be oversold because of poor sentiment or other factors which are unrelated to their actual fundamentals. There is indiscriminate selling, as investors seek safety in low-risk instruments.

Take, for example, the Asian economies. Their foreign exchange reserves have grown to over US$3 trillion, enough for most of the governments to fall back on if they need to boost their economies.

Corporate transparency has improved since the bleak days of the Asian Financial Crisis. Most fund managers continue to find companies which show strong balance sheets and healthy cash flows. On a more individual level, Asians, unlike the Americans, save a lot more too.

Despite all these positives, Asian markets have fallen even more than US markets – and we know the economic situation in the US is bleak.

This shows that the markets go through times of irrationality. It happens during a bull run when markets skyrocket, and it also happens during a bear run when they plummet.

So, clearly we find good opportunities among Asian equities now. Our research team has been saying it for a while and we continue to advocate investing regularly to benefit from dollar cost averaging. Check out a recent article by our analyst Wong Weiyi on its benefits.

2) Long-term and short-term goals

Buffett advocates long-term investing. He admits he has no clue on whether the market will rise or fall in the next one month or next one year.

So in the short term, markets may continue to fall, but that has not stopped Buffett to invest in US equities. He may not be buying them at their bottom, but then again, who can? Timing the markets is out of Buffett’s league, so what makes us think we can do it confidently?

If you believe in the prospects of a company or economy to do well in the next few years, you will not be as worried over its outlook for the next few quarters.

It is also crucial to distinguish between how we use our short-term and long-term monies.

The short-term pot will take care of our daily expenses, potential emergencies and the big ticket items we intend to splash on within the next two to three years. These could include the exotic holiday to Machu Picchu or the downpayment for the home you have been eyeing. To meet our short-term financial needs, leaving the money in safe, low-risk vehicles such as a savings account or a fixed deposit makes sense.

The next pot of money is really meant for our long-term goals. We can afford to give more time for our long-term investments to perform as we do not intend to touch that money for the next three years or more.

So, the point is, each one of us will have a different definition of short term and long term. Make sure we know our goals and divide the money into the different pots accordingly.

For our long-term pot, don’t panic and sell out when our investments fall. Don’t stay on the sidelines either, waiting for the markets to bottom. By the time the market really bottoms and starts rising, you may still be holding cash because you assume the bottom is not over yet.

3) Beware of inflation

Markets are plummeting and we are worried about our portfolios, our year-end bonuses or salary increments; for some of us, our jobs could very well be on the chopping board. But there is one big risk that has taken a backseat lately: inflation.

Buffett has also mentioned inflation as a key risk. "The arithmetic makes it plain that inflation is a far more devastating tax than anything that has been enacted by our (United States) legislature," he wrote in a Fortune article titled "How Inflation Swindles the Investor".

Inflation may be seen as a lesser concern, with commodity prices dropping sharply in the last few weeks. But it remains at a high level: Singapore’s Consumer Price Index rose by 6.7% year-on-year in September. While this is lower than the CPI increase of 7.5% for a period of three months from April to June, the CPI numbers show that the interest rate from our savings account and fixed deposits is way too measly to be able to generate a positive real return.

We need our investments in the long-term pot to deliver a return higher that the inflation rate. Inflation has been hovering at relatively higher levels in the last few months. This makes our long-term investment decisions even more crucial – and cash is clearly not king when it comes to our long-term pot of money.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


看来这个问题金融领域的朋友最关心的。不过,随着银行大裁员,银行严重亏损,由其是牵涉以次贷,重重的打击了金融领域。为此,银行的cash flow也紧了许多,贷款条例也严格了,那些liabilities高的公司(就是贷款)也因此受影响。cash flow出问题分分钟让公司关闭。

所以,我们原本是公司的asset,因为要cut cost,所以无端端成了liability, 因为支付薪水,有一部分钱就是贷款来run。所以,最好就是表现卓越,让公司觉得你是它们的asset,没你不行,你的饭碗,肯定换上铁制的。:)


1. CIMB - 200 人
2. NOL shipping - 1000
3. DBS - 900
4. Citigroup - 50000
5. HSBC - 1600
6. Motorola - 700



今日 (19/11/2008) KLSE 指数877。65。



Unit Trust:
1. PBEDF (malaysia)
2. Legg Mason Asean Special (singapore)
3. Fidelity China Focus (singapore)

1. LionDiv 30lots (malaysia)
2. Stareit 10lots (Malaysia)
3. Cosco Corp 2lots (singapore)


我想,是时候进行深入的研究。好好读一读financial report.然后如是烂股,就得忍痛卖了。

最近看到一只股 --- dialog.



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